I expect everyone to have concepts regarding :

  1. Non Maximum Suppression
  2. Convolutional Neural Networks
  3. PyTorch
  4. OpenCV
  5. Anchor Box
  6. Bounding Box

YOLO v3 paper ==> Check here!

I have followed the awesome explanation by Ayoosh Kathuria on the paperspace blog with some modifications in the code.

You will need to download the following files :

  1. Official Configuration File

  2. Pallete File

So let's dive in to the code. We start by importing the necessary libraries.

from __future__ import division

import torch 
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F 
from torch.autograd import Variable
import numpy as np
import cv2 
import time
import os 
import os.path as osp
import pickle as pkl
import random
import pandas as pd

Here we have written some utility functions.

def unique(tensor):
    tensor_np = tensor.cpu().numpy()
    unique_np = np.unique(tensor_np)
    unique_tensor = torch.from_numpy(unique_np)
    tensor_res = tensor.new(unique_tensor.shape)
    return tensor_res

def bbox_iou(box1, box2):
    Returns the IoU of two bounding boxes 
    #Get the coordinates of bounding boxes
    b1_x1, b1_y1, b1_x2, b1_y2 = box1[:,0], box1[:,1], box1[:,2], box1[:,3]
    b2_x1, b2_y1, b2_x2, b2_y2 = box2[:,0], box2[:,1], box2[:,2], box2[:,3]
    #get the corrdinates of the intersection rectangle
    inter_rect_x1 =  torch.max(b1_x1, b2_x1)
    inter_rect_y1 =  torch.max(b1_y1, b2_y1)
    inter_rect_x2 =  torch.min(b1_x2, b2_x2)
    inter_rect_y2 =  torch.min(b1_y2, b2_y2)
    #Intersection area
    inter_area = torch.clamp(inter_rect_x2 - inter_rect_x1 + 1, min=0) * torch.clamp(inter_rect_y2 - inter_rect_y1 + 1, min=0)

    #Union Area
    b1_area = (b1_x2 - b1_x1 + 1)*(b1_y2 - b1_y1 + 1)
    b2_area = (b2_x2 - b2_x1 + 1)*(b2_y2 - b2_y1 + 1)
    iou = inter_area / (b1_area + b2_area - inter_area)
    return iou

def predict_transform(prediction, inp_dim, anchors, num_classes, CUDA = True):

    batch_size = prediction.size(0)
    stride =  inp_dim // prediction.size(2)
    grid_size = inp_dim // stride
    bbox_attrs = 5 + num_classes
    num_anchors = len(anchors)
    prediction = prediction.view(batch_size, bbox_attrs*num_anchors, grid_size*grid_size)
    prediction = prediction.transpose(1,2).contiguous()
    prediction = prediction.view(batch_size, grid_size*grid_size*num_anchors, bbox_attrs)
    anchors = [(a[0]/stride, a[1]/stride) for a in anchors]

    #Sigmoid the  centre_X, centre_Y. and object confidencce
    prediction[:,:,0] = torch.sigmoid(prediction[:,:,0])
    prediction[:,:,1] = torch.sigmoid(prediction[:,:,1])
    prediction[:,:,4] = torch.sigmoid(prediction[:,:,4])
    #Add the center offsets
    grid = np.arange(grid_size)
    a,b = np.meshgrid(grid, grid)

    x_offset = torch.FloatTensor(a).view(-1,1)
    y_offset = torch.FloatTensor(b).view(-1,1)

    if CUDA:
        x_offset = x_offset.cuda()
        y_offset = y_offset.cuda()

    x_y_offset = torch.cat((x_offset, y_offset), 1).repeat(1,num_anchors).view(-1,2).unsqueeze(0)

    prediction[:,:,:2] += x_y_offset

    #log space transform height and the width
    anchors = torch.FloatTensor(anchors)

    if CUDA:
        anchors = anchors.cuda()

    anchors = anchors.repeat(grid_size*grid_size, 1).unsqueeze(0)
    prediction[:,:,2:4] = torch.exp(prediction[:,:,2:4])*anchors
    prediction[:,:,5: 5 + num_classes] = torch.sigmoid((prediction[:,:, 5 : 5 + num_classes]))

    prediction[:,:,:4] *= stride
    return prediction

def write_results(prediction, confidence, num_classes, nms_conf):
    conf_mask = (prediction[:,:,4] > confidence).float().unsqueeze(2)
    prediction = prediction*conf_mask
    box_corner = prediction.new(prediction.shape)
    box_corner[:,:,0] = (prediction[:,:,0] - prediction[:,:,2]/2)
    box_corner[:,:,1] = (prediction[:,:,1] - prediction[:,:,3]/2)
    box_corner[:,:,2] = (prediction[:,:,0] + prediction[:,:,2]/2) 
    box_corner[:,:,3] = (prediction[:,:,1] + prediction[:,:,3]/2)
    prediction[:,:,:4] = box_corner[:,:,:4]
    batch_size = prediction.size(0)

    write = False

    for ind in range(batch_size):
        image_pred = prediction[ind]          #image Tensor
       #confidence thresholding 
        max_conf, max_conf_score = torch.max(image_pred[:,5:5+ num_classes], 1)
        max_conf = max_conf.float().unsqueeze(1)
        max_conf_score = max_conf_score.float().unsqueeze(1)
        seq = (image_pred[:,:5], max_conf, max_conf_score)
        image_pred = torch.cat(seq, 1)
        non_zero_ind =  (torch.nonzero(image_pred[:,4]))
            image_pred_ = image_pred[non_zero_ind.squeeze(),:].view(-1,7)
        if image_pred_.shape[0] == 0:
        #Get the various classes detected in the image
        img_classes = unique(image_pred_[:,-1])  # -1 index holds the class index
        for cls in img_classes:
            #perform NMS

            #get the detections with one particular class
            cls_mask = image_pred_*(image_pred_[:,-1] == cls).float().unsqueeze(1)
            class_mask_ind = torch.nonzero(cls_mask[:,-2]).squeeze()
            image_pred_class = image_pred_[class_mask_ind].view(-1,7)
            #sort the detections such that the entry with the maximum objectness
            #confidence is at the top
            conf_sort_index = torch.sort(image_pred_class[:,4], descending = True )[1]
            image_pred_class = image_pred_class[conf_sort_index]
            idx = image_pred_class.size(0)   #Number of detections
            for i in range(idx):
                #Get the IOUs of all boxes that come after the one we are looking at 
                #in the loop
                    ious = bbox_iou(image_pred_class[i].unsqueeze(0), image_pred_class[i+1:])
                except ValueError:
                except IndexError:
                #Zero out all the detections that have IoU > treshhold
                iou_mask = (ious < nms_conf).float().unsqueeze(1)
                image_pred_class[i+1:] *= iou_mask       
                #Remove the non-zero entries
                non_zero_ind = torch.nonzero(image_pred_class[:,4]).squeeze()
                image_pred_class = image_pred_class[non_zero_ind].view(-1,7)
            batch_ind = image_pred_class.new(image_pred_class.size(0), 1).fill_(ind)      #Repeat the batch_id for as many detections of the class cls in the image
            seq = batch_ind, image_pred_class
            if not write:
                output = torch.cat(seq,1)
                write = True
                out = torch.cat(seq,1)
                output = torch.cat((output,out))

        return output
        return 0
def letterbox_image(img, inp_dim):
    '''resize image with unchanged aspect ratio using padding'''
    img_w, img_h = img.shape[1], img.shape[0]
    w, h = inp_dim
    new_w = int(img_w * min(w/img_w, h/img_h))
    new_h = int(img_h * min(w/img_w, h/img_h))
    resized_image = cv2.resize(img, (new_w,new_h), interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
    canvas = np.full((inp_dim[1], inp_dim[0], 3), fill_value = 128)

    canvas[(h-new_h)//2:(h-new_h)//2 + new_h,(w-new_w)//2:(w-new_w)//2 + new_w,  :] = resized_image
    return canvas

def prep_image(img, inp_dim):
    Prepare image for inputting to the neural network. 
    Converts Numpy Array to PyTorch's input format
    img = (letterbox_image(img, (inp_dim, inp_dim)))
    img = img[:,:,::-1].transpose((2,0,1)).copy()
    img = torch.from_numpy(img).float().div(255.0).unsqueeze(0)
    return img

def load_classes(namesfile):
    fp = open(namesfile, "r")
    names = fp.read().split("\n")[:-1]
    return names

Now, we construct the network. We have a cfg file to help u create the network.

    #img = cv2.imread("dog-cycle-car.png")
    #img = cv2.resize(img, (416,416))          #Resize to the input dimension
    #img_ =  img[:,:,::-1].transpose((2,0,1))  # BGR -> RGB | H X W C -> C X H X W 
    #img_ = img_[np.newaxis,:,:,:]/255.0       #Add a channel at 0 (for batch) | Normalise
    #img_ = torch.from_numpy(img_).float()     #Convert to float
    #img_ = Variable(img_)                     # Convert to Variable
    #return img_

def parse_cfg(cfgfile):
    Takes a configuration file
    Returns a list of blocks. Each blocks describes a block in the neural
    network to be built. Block is represented as a dictionary in the list
    file = open(cfgfile, 'r')
    lines = file.read().split('\n')                        # store the lines in a list
    lines = [x for x in lines if len(x) > 0]               # get read of the empty lines 
    lines = [x for x in lines if x[0] != '#']              # get rid of comments
    lines = [x.rstrip().lstrip() for x in lines]           # get rid of fringe whitespaces
    block = {}
    blocks = []
    for line in lines:
        if line[0] == "[":               # This marks the start of a new block
            if len(block) != 0:          # If block is not empty, implies it is storing values of previous block.
                blocks.append(block)     # add it the blocks list
                block = {}               # re-init the block
            block["type"] = line[1:-1].rstrip()     
            key,value = line.split("=") 
            block[key.rstrip()] = value.lstrip()
    return blocks

class EmptyLayer(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(EmptyLayer, self).__init__()

class DetectionLayer(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, anchors):
        super(DetectionLayer, self).__init__()
        self.anchors = anchors

def create_modules(blocks):
    net_info = blocks[0]     #Captures the information about the input and pre-processing    
    module_list = nn.ModuleList()
    prev_filters = 3
    output_filters = []
    for index, x in enumerate(blocks[1:]):
        module = nn.Sequential()
        #check the type of block
        #create a new module for the block
        #append to module_list
        #If it's a convolutional layer
        if (x["type"] == "convolutional"):
            #Get the info about the layer
            activation = x["activation"]
                batch_normalize = int(x["batch_normalize"])
                bias = False
                batch_normalize = 0
                bias = True
            filters= int(x["filters"])
            padding = int(x["pad"])
            kernel_size = int(x["size"])
            stride = int(x["stride"])
            if padding:
                pad = (kernel_size - 1) // 2
                pad = 0
            #Add the convolutional layer
            conv = nn.Conv2d(prev_filters, filters, kernel_size, stride, pad, bias = bias)
            module.add_module("conv_{0}".format(index), conv)
            #Add the Batch Norm Layer
            if batch_normalize:
                bn = nn.BatchNorm2d(filters)
                module.add_module("batch_norm_{0}".format(index), bn)
            #Check the activation. 
            #It is either Linear or a Leaky ReLU for YOLO
            if activation == "leaky":
                activn = nn.LeakyReLU(0.1, inplace = True)
                module.add_module("leaky_{0}".format(index), activn)
            #If it's an upsampling layer
            #We use Bilinear2dUpsampling
        elif (x["type"] == "upsample"):
            stride = int(x["stride"])
            upsample = nn.Upsample(scale_factor = 2, mode = "nearest")
            module.add_module("upsample_{}".format(index), upsample)
        #If it is a route layer
        elif (x["type"] == "route"):
            x["layers"] = x["layers"].split(',')
            #Start  of a route
            start = int(x["layers"][0])
            #end, if there exists one.
                end = int(x["layers"][1])
                end = 0
            #Positive anotation
            if start > 0: 
                start = start - index
            if end > 0:
                end = end - index
            route = EmptyLayer()
            module.add_module("route_{0}".format(index), route)
            if end < 0:
                filters = output_filters[index + start] + output_filters[index + end]
                filters= output_filters[index + start]
        #shortcut corresponds to skip connection
        elif x["type"] == "shortcut":
            shortcut = EmptyLayer()
            module.add_module("shortcut_{}".format(index), shortcut)
        #Yolo is the detection layer
        elif x["type"] == "yolo":
            mask = x["mask"].split(",")
            mask = [int(x) for x in mask]
            anchors = x["anchors"].split(",")
            anchors = [int(a) for a in anchors]
            anchors = [(anchors[i], anchors[i+1]) for i in range(0, len(anchors),2)]
            anchors = [anchors[i] for i in mask]
            detection = DetectionLayer(anchors)
            module.add_module("Detection_{}".format(index), detection)
        prev_filters = filters
    return (net_info, module_list)

class Darknet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, cfgfile):
        super(Darknet, self).__init__()
        self.blocks = parse_cfg(cfgfile)
        self.net_info, self.module_list = create_modules(self.blocks)
    def forward(self, x, CUDA):
        modules = self.blocks[1:]
        outputs = {}   #We cache the outputs for the route layer
        write = 0
        for i, module in enumerate(modules):        
            module_type = (module["type"])
            if module_type == "convolutional" or module_type == "upsample":
                x = self.module_list[i](x)
            elif module_type == "route":
                layers = module["layers"]
                layers = [int(a) for a in layers]
                if (layers[0]) > 0:
                    layers[0] = layers[0] - i
                if len(layers) == 1:
                    x = outputs[i + (layers[0])]
                    if (layers[1]) > 0:
                        layers[1] = layers[1] - i
                    map1 = outputs[i + layers[0]]
                    map2 = outputs[i + layers[1]]
                    x = torch.cat((map1, map2), 1)
            elif  module_type == "shortcut":
                from_ = int(module["from"])
                x = outputs[i-1] + outputs[i+from_]
            elif module_type == 'yolo':        
                anchors = self.module_list[i][0].anchors
                print("Detection Layer => " ,i)
                print("Anchors selected => " ,anchors)
                #Get the input dimensions
                inp_dim = int (self.net_info["height"])
                #Get the number of classes
                num_classes = int (module["classes"])
                x = x.data
                print("Size before transform => " ,x.size())
                x = predict_transform(x, inp_dim, anchors, num_classes, CUDA)
                print("Size after transform => " ,x.size())
                if not write:              #if no collector has been intialised. 
                    detections = x
                    write = 1
                    detections = torch.cat((detections, x), 1)
            outputs[i] = x
        return detections
    def load_weights(self, weightfile):
        #Open the weights file
        fp = open(weightfile, "rb")
        #The first 5 values are header information 
        # 1. Major version number
        # 2. Minor Version Number
        # 3. Subversion number 
        # 4,5. Images seen by the network (during training)
        header = np.fromfile(fp, dtype = np.int32, count = 5)
        self.header = torch.from_numpy(header)
        self.seen = self.header[3]   
        weights = np.fromfile(fp, dtype = np.float32)
        ptr = 0
        for i in range(len(self.module_list)):
            module_type = self.blocks[i + 1]["type"]
            #If module_type is convolutional load weights
            #Otherwise ignore.
            if module_type == "convolutional":
                model = self.module_list[i]
                    batch_normalize = int(self.blocks[i+1]["batch_normalize"])
                    batch_normalize = 0
                conv = model[0]
                if (batch_normalize):
                    bn = model[1]
                    #Get the number of weights of Batch Norm Layer
                    num_bn_biases = bn.bias.numel()
                    #Load the weights
                    bn_biases = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr:ptr + num_bn_biases])
                    ptr += num_bn_biases
                    bn_weights = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr: ptr + num_bn_biases])
                    ptr  += num_bn_biases
                    bn_running_mean = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr: ptr + num_bn_biases])
                    ptr  += num_bn_biases
                    bn_running_var = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr: ptr + num_bn_biases])
                    ptr  += num_bn_biases
                    #Cast the loaded weights into dims of model weights. 
                    bn_biases = bn_biases.view_as(bn.bias.data)
                    bn_weights = bn_weights.view_as(bn.weight.data)
                    bn_running_mean = bn_running_mean.view_as(bn.running_mean)
                    bn_running_var = bn_running_var.view_as(bn.running_var)
                    #Copy the data to model
                    #Number of biases
                    num_biases = conv.bias.numel()
                    #Load the weights
                    conv_biases = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr: ptr + num_biases])
                    ptr = ptr + num_biases
                    #reshape the loaded weights according to the dims of the model weights
                    conv_biases = conv_biases.view_as(conv.bias.data)
                    #Finally copy the data
                #Let us load the weights for the Convolutional layers
                num_weights = conv.weight.numel()
                #Do the same as above for weights
                conv_weights = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr:ptr+num_weights])
                ptr = ptr + num_weights
                conv_weights = conv_weights.view_as(conv.weight.data)

We will load the pretrained weights & the class names of the COCO dataset. After downloading the files, you should comment the below two lines of code.

!wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights
!wget https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet/blob/master/data/coco.names

Now we load a single image or batches of image, and change the batch size accordingly. We also set the confidence score and the NMS Threshold here. Next, we will load the class names using the load_classes function.

We have set up the path => /content/drive/My Drive/test-img in Google Drive for importing inbound test images and path => /content/drive/My Drive/results to get the outbound test images. When running the code, you are expected to create file pathe of your own.

images = '/content/drive/My Drive/test-img/'
batch_size = 1
confidence = 0.5
nms_thesh = 0.4
start = 0
CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available()

classes = load_classes('/content/coco.names')

Here we will load the model with the cfg file and the weights file.

print("Loading network.....")
model = Darknet('yolov3.cfg')
print("Network successfully loaded")

#model.net_info["height"] = 416
inp_dim = int(model.net_info["height"])
assert inp_dim % 32 == 0 
assert inp_dim > 32
Loading network.....
Network successfully loaded

We will now evaluate the model.


read_dir = time.time()

#Detection phase
    imlist = [osp.join(osp.realpath('.'), images, img) for img in os.listdir(images)]
except NotADirectoryError:
    imlist = []
    imlist.append(osp.join(osp.realpath('.'), images))
except FileNotFoundError:
    print ("No file or directory with the name {}".format(images))
if not os.path.exists('/content/drive/My Drive/results'):
    os.makedirs('/content/drive/My Drive/results')

load_batch = time.time()
loaded_ims = [cv2.imread(x) for x in imlist]

im_batches = list(map(prep_image, loaded_ims, [inp_dim for x in range(len(imlist))]))
im_dim_list = [(x.shape[1], x.shape[0]) for x in loaded_ims]
im_dim_list = torch.FloatTensor(im_dim_list).repeat(1,2)

leftover = 0
if (len(im_dim_list) % batch_size):
    leftover = 1

if batch_size != 1:
    num_batches = len(imlist) // batch_size + leftover            
    im_batches = [torch.cat((im_batches[i*batch_size : min((i +  1)*batch_size,
                        len(im_batches))]))  for i in range(num_batches)]  

write = 0

if CUDA:
    im_dim_list = im_dim_list.cuda()
start_det_loop = time.time()
for i, batch in enumerate(im_batches):
#load the image 
    start = time.time()
    if CUDA:
        batch = batch.cuda()
    with torch.no_grad():
        prediction = model(Variable(batch), CUDA)

    prediction = write_results(prediction, confidence, num_classes = 80, nms_conf = nms_thesh)

    end = time.time()

    if type(prediction) == int:

        for im_num, image in enumerate(imlist[i*batch_size: min((i +  1)*batch_size, len(imlist))]):
            im_id = i*batch_size + im_num
            print("{0:20s} predicted in {1:6.3f} seconds".format(image.split("/")[-1], (end - start)/batch_size))
            print("{0:20s} {1:s}".format("Objects Detected:", ""))

    prediction[:,0] += i*batch_size    #transform the atribute from index in batch to index in imlist 

    if not write:                      #If we have't initialised output
        output = prediction  
        write = 1
        output = torch.cat((output,prediction))

    for im_num, image in enumerate(imlist[i*batch_size: min((i +  1)*batch_size, len(imlist))]):
        im_id = i*batch_size + im_num
        objs = [classes[int(x[-1])] for x in output if int(x[0]) == im_id]
        print("{0:20s} predicted in {1:6.3f} seconds".format(image.split("/")[-1], (end - start)/batch_size))
        print("{0:20s} {1:s}".format("Objects Detected:", " ".join(objs)))

    if CUDA:
except NameError:
    print ("No detections were made")

im_dim_list = torch.index_select(im_dim_list, 0, output[:,0].long())

scaling_factor = torch.min(416/im_dim_list,1)[0].view(-1,1)

output[:,[1,3]] -= (inp_dim - scaling_factor*im_dim_list[:,0].view(-1,1))/2
output[:,[2,4]] -= (inp_dim - scaling_factor*im_dim_list[:,1].view(-1,1))/2

output[:,1:5] /= scaling_factor

for i in range(output.shape[0]):
    output[i, [1,3]] = torch.clamp(output[i, [1,3]], 0.0, im_dim_list[i,0])
    output[i, [2,4]] = torch.clamp(output[i, [2,4]], 0.0, im_dim_list[i,1])
output_recast = time.time()
class_load = time.time()
colors = pkl.load(open("pallete", "rb"))

draw = time.time()

def write(x, results):
    c1 = tuple(x[1:3].int())
    c2 = tuple(x[3:5].int())
    img = results[int(x[0])]
    cls = int(x[-1])
    color = random.choice(colors)
    label = "{0}".format(classes[cls])
    cv2.rectangle(img, c1, c2, color, 6)
    t_size = cv2.getTextSize(label, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1 , 1)[0]
    c2 = c1[0] + t_size[0] + 3, c1[1] + t_size[1] + 4
    cv2.rectangle(img, c1, c2, color, 6)
    cv2.putText(img, label, (c1[0], c1[1] + t_size[1] + 4), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, [225,255,255], 1);
    return img

list(map(lambda x: write(x, loaded_ims), output))

det_names = pd.Series(imlist).apply(lambda x: "{}/det_{}".format('/content/drive/My Drive/results',x.split("/")[-1]))

list(map(cv2.imwrite, det_names, loaded_ims))

end = time.time()

print("{:25s}: {}".format("Task", "Time Taken (in seconds)"))
print("{:25s}: {:2.3f}".format("Reading addresses", load_batch - read_dir))
print("{:25s}: {:2.3f}".format("Loading batch", start_det_loop - load_batch))
print("{:25s}: {:2.3f}".format("Detection (" + str(len(imlist)) +  " images)", output_recast - start_det_loop))
print("{:25s}: {:2.3f}".format("Output Processing", class_load - output_recast))
print("{:25s}: {:2.3f}".format("Drawing Boxes", end - draw))
print("{:25s}: {:2.3f}".format("Average time_per_img", (end - load_batch)/len(imlist)))

Detection Layer =>  82
Anchors selected =>  [(116, 90), (156, 198), (373, 326)]
Size before transform =>  torch.Size([1, 255, 13, 13])
<built-in method size of Tensor object at 0x7f900f935630>
Size after transform =>  torch.Size([1, 507, 85])
Detection Layer =>  94
Anchors selected =>  [(30, 61), (62, 45), (59, 119)]
Size before transform =>  torch.Size([1, 255, 26, 26])
<built-in method size of Tensor object at 0x7f900f9424c8>
Size after transform =>  torch.Size([1, 2028, 85])
Detection Layer =>  106
Anchors selected =>  [(10, 13), (16, 30), (33, 23)]
Size before transform =>  torch.Size([1, 255, 52, 52])
<built-in method size of Tensor object at 0x7f900f942828>
Size after transform =>  torch.Size([1, 8112, 85])
cricket.jpg          predicted in  1.275 seconds
Objects Detected:                        <script crossorigin="anonymous" defer="defer" integrity="sha512-JDDF8W8Wl5vopo9t4K4NtIEUMCYov3ZjVpv9lC1SDUxhejU+ILu8V3l6BhkaIRMYJioQWj9am9tJSTvND+8wJg==" type="application/javascript" data-module-id="./chunk-drag-drop.js" data-src="https://github.githubassets.com/assets/chunk-drag-drop-2430c5f1.js"></script>
Task                     : Time Taken (in seconds)

Reading addresses        : 0.001
Loading batch            : 0.018
Detection (1 images)     : 1.278
Output Processing        : 0.000
Drawing Boxes            : 0.020
Average time_per_img     : 1.316

I tested my network with a image I clicked during Durga Pujo 2020!

Detected Image:
